Can I borrow a laptop from the college?


Currently enrolled students can checkout a laptop from the EVC Library Circulation Desk at the top floor of the LETC Building.

Campus: Semester Laptop Loan Program

The college offers a limited supply of laptops to borrow for the semester. Students can request laptops to use for the semester from the college using this form: ​EVC Student Loaner Laptop.

Requests for semester loans will be evaluated by Administrative Services. If approved, you will receive a confirmation email. You can pick up your laptop from the library. You will be required to show your student ID and confirmation email. Laptops must be returned before the end of the semester.

Library: Short-Term Laptop Loan Program

The library has a limited supply of laptops for two hours (in-library use only) and three week checkouts. Three week checkouts can be renewed. Laptops are loaned on a first-come, first-served basis. To check out a laptop, you must meet the following requirements:

  • EVC Student with current enrollment
  • EVC Student ID card presented at the time of checkout
  • No fines/fees on library record

If you meet all the eligibility requirements and agree to the terms of the loan, as stated in our Equipment Checkout and Use Policy, then you may proceed with the checkout.  Read the policy carefully.  It contains information related to fines and maintenance. For general questions about short-term laptop loans and renewals, call us at (408) 270-6433 or email us at

Technical Assistance for Laptops
If you require technical support related to the laptop, please contact the ITSS department. Additional technical assistance can be found on this FAQ.

  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2024
  • Views 543
  • Answered By Heather Ott

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